6 Tips And Tricks For Creating TikTok Videos (That Your Customers Will Love)

With over 1 billion monthly active users and 167 million TikTok videos watched per minute, it makes sense for businesses looking to increase their reach and sales to ensure they are making the most of this incredibly popular platform. Creating high-quality content that users can interact with is the key to ensuring you capture the attention of potential customers and this is a key component of TikTok marketing. Regular videos, ideally posted daily, will help you to build an engaged customer base. So just where do you start when it comes to creating high-quality videos for your business TikTok account? Here are 6 tips and tricks for creating TikTok videos.  

Use good lighting  

Using effective lighting is the key for making your TikTok videos stand out and look professional too. Good lighting helps to enhance the quality of your video, can set a mood or tone and can also guide the viewer to where they should focus their attention. To achieve natural lighting, film outside or near a window that provides even lighting. This will help you avoid casting shadows in the video. You can also consider using a ring light which can create natural looking light when needed.  


Keep up with the trends 

Using trending sounds in your videos will help you tap into the app’s algorithm and will keep your content fresh and relevant. When a trending sound is used, TikTok will push your video to other users that have also enjoyed that sound. When a sound trends on TikTok, see how you can create your own unique and fun spin on it!  


What’s in the background? 

Ensuring you keep the background in your video free from distracting items will help to make your video look professional. It will also enable the viewer’s attention to focus entirely on the things you wish to showcase. 


Keep the audio clear 

Nothing will make a viewer switch off faster than unclear audio. Ensure the sound in your videos is clear, easy to understand and free from distractions. There’s a fine balance between using a desired sound in your background and also using an added sound such as your own voice. Make sure you’ve played around with the volume of each to ensure the sound quality of your videos is on point.  


Short and sweet  

Short videos, ideally those that are one minute or less, help to capture the user’s attention. Any longer and they may decide to scroll past. TikTok is fast-paced, allowing users to quickly swipe to the next video and so if your video does not captivate their attention, they’ll be likely to quickly move on. Aim to catch their attention within the first few seconds of the video and they will be more likely to keep watching until the end. If it’s short, they may even watch it a few times which will be great for your view count. Keeping your videos to around a minute is also beneficial if you wish to share the video on Instagram Reels too.  


Add Subtitles 

Adding subtitles to your videos will increase the number of views your video has. This is because those with hearing loss and those that wish to scroll TikTok with the sound off or at a very low volume will now be able to access your videos too.  


Want to learn more about TikTok and how to use it for your business? Here are four ways to work with us:


Eleanor Beavis