The Pros And Cons Of Getting Verified On Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

Social media platforms have become integral parts of our lives and businesses, allowing us to connect with friends and customers share our experiences, and engage with a broader audience. One notable feature that has gained considerable attention is the verification badge—a symbol of credibility and authenticity. Today we will explore the pros and cons of getting verified on three major social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Instagram Verification:

Instagram verification provides users with a blue checkmark badge, indicating that the account is authentic and belongs to a public figure, celebrity, or notable entity. This can be applied for or as a paid for service. Here are the pros and cons of Instagram verification:


1. Credibility and Authenticity: A verified badge enhances your credibility and helps establish trust with your audience, especially if you are a public figure, influencer, or brand.

2. Increased Visibility: Verified accounts often receive more visibility as they stand out from the crowd and are more likely to be recommended to users.

3. Improved Account Security: Instagram verifies accounts to protect users from impersonation, reducing the risk of identity theft or fake accounts.


1. Stringent Criteria: Instagram has strict eligibility criteria for verification, and not everyone qualifies for the badge, which may limit the potential benefits for some users.

2. Privacy Concerns: Verification may make your personal information more visible, as some details are required during the verification process.

Facebook Verification:

Facebook verification offers a grey or blue checkmark badge to authenticate the identity of public figures, media companies, and notable organisations. This can be applied for or as a paid for service. Let's examine the pros and cons of Facebook verification:


1. Trust and Credibility: A verified badge on Facebook adds a layer of trust and credibility, enabling users to differentiate between genuine accounts and impostors.

2. Enhanced Page Visibility: Verified pages receive priority in search results, helping increase exposure and reach a broader audience.

3. Access to Exclusive Features: Facebook offers verified pages access to additional features like insights, analytics, and monetisation opportunities.


1. Complex Verification Process: The Facebook verification process can be time-consuming and requires providing extensive documentation to prove authenticity.

2. Reduced Anonymity: Verification often entails revealing personal information, which may compromise the privacy and anonymity of certain individuals.

Twitter Verification:

Twitter's verification process, formerly open to public applications, was put on hold. Currently, verification is not available to the general public, and the platform offers verification as part of a paid service called Twitter Blue. However, it's essential to stay updated on any changes Twitter may make regarding verification in the future.


1. Credibility and Differentiation: A blue checkmark badge sets your Twitter account apart, distinguishing it from fake or parody accounts and establishing credibility.

2. Increased Visibility and Engagement: Verified accounts often receive more visibility in searches, trending topics, and recommendations, leading to higher engagement rates and potential growth.

3. Access to Exclusive Features: Verified accounts may gain access to advanced analytics, audience insights, and other exclusive features to enhance their Twitter experience.


1. Availability and Cost: Twitter's verification process is currently limited and offered as part of a paid service, potentially excluding individuals who cannot afford or access the service.

2. Potential Public Scrutiny: Verified accounts are often under increased scrutiny from the public and subject to higher expectations. It becomes crucial to be mindful of the content shared and maintain a positive online presence.

Getting verified on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter can have several benefits, including increased credibility, visibility, and access to exclusive features. However, it's crucial to consider the potential downsides, such as stringent eligibility criteria, privacy concerns, and increased public scrutiny. Ultimately, the decision to pursue verification should align with your goals, values, and how it fits into your overall social media strategy.

Next week we will explore the pros and cons of paying for verification.

Eleanor Beavis